Monthly Newsletter
November 2024


The Regiment entered the month of November with significant momentum from the previous month’s success. Soldiers have been engaged and motivated throughout the autumn thus far, galvanized by the intensity and challenge of their progressive training calendar.

Part of what makes The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada so strong is the cultural foundation upon which it is built. The esprit de corps and pride of being a Rifleman is embodied in the interest and bond within the broader Regimental Family. At the beginning of the month, past and present members descended upon CFB Borden to participate in the 112nd Maple Leaf Rifle Club annual shoot. It was a great opportunity to reconnect, while participants competed throughout the day with Lee-Enfield and FN C1 rifles.

The Officers' Mess held their annual Mess Dinner the following weekend, which saw familiar faces from across Ontario come together at the Royal Canadian Military Institute. Guests of honour included the Commanding Officer of the Canadian Army Advanced Warfare Centre, as well as former Honourary Lieutenant-Colonel Lionel Goffart, who was recognized for his ongoing generosity to the Regiment.

On 9 October 2024, the Regimental Museum hosted Queen’s Own Rifles Day at Casa Loma. The displays, featuring period uniforms, modern equipment and antique vehicles, were accentuated by lively performances by the Band and an interactive observation post atop a tower staffed by members of Recce Platoon.

This year’s Remembrance Parade was one of the largest in recent memory. Well over 150 Riflemen, comprising the Band, Skirmishers, Pioneers and Guards, were accompanied by the Association and Cadets, as they proudly marched through the city streets to St. Paul’s, Bloor Street and the Cross of Sacrifice. 

It was a moving and impressive demonstration of the commitment that the serving Regiment maintains to honouring our Fallen, especially given that this year marks the 80th anniversary of the death of Sergeant Aubrey Cosens.

It does without saying that it is truly astonishing how much the serving members undertake, despite their focus still being tactical training and operational readiness. Amidst all of these events, the Regiment was preparing for Exercise MAROON SWORD 3. On a weekly basis, orders were delivered from the battalion- to platoon-level, while soldiers rehearsed building-clearing drills.

The Regiment, accompanied by soldiers from the Lorne Scots, Toronto Scottish Regiment, 48th Highlanders of Canada, engineers and medics and totalling approximately 200 soldiers, moved to CFB Petawawa and participated in a company-level deliberate attack against a fortified town.

Guided by Recce Platoon, 60th Company inserted via a CH-47 Chinook helicopter from 450 Squadron, and executed the complex mission. It was a phenomenal example of the capability and capacity of the Army Reserve, and testament to the hard work and professionalism of our team. 

We are all looking forward to a brief respite during the holiday season.

In Pace Paratus

Chris Boileau
Commanding Officer

Justin Thorn
Chief Warrant Officer
Regimental Sergeant Major

80th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands and VE-Day Pilgrimage

In May 2025, The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada (QOR of C) will send a contingent to Europe to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of V-E Day and the Liberation of the Netherlands. This Regimental delegation will honour the 34 Riflemen who lost their lives during Operation Blockbuster and the final push to the Rhine.

The itinerary will retrace the steps of the QOR of C as they fought through the Netherlands, liberating the channel ports which were crucial for Allied supremacy on the continent. After crossing into Germany, Sergeant Aubrey Cosens was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross during intense fighting to capture the tiny farming hamlet of Mooshof.

 To make this privately funded trip a reality, the Regiment is conducting a fundraising campaign. We would be deeply appreciative for your support in sending 34 serving Riflemen to attend this historic occasion. Your donation will cover their trip expenses and support the Regiment’s commemorative activities in Europe.

Please visit the NLD80 campaign page to support the trip.  For donations over $3000, please email us at to make arrangements.  

Maple Leaf Rifle Club ANNUAL SHOOT

On Saturday, November 2nd, members of the Maple Leaf Rifle Club (MLRC) met on Vimy Range at CFB Borden to conduct their annual shoot. The MLRC was created in 1912 with 21 members. Today, 28 elected and standing members continue the century old traditions to engage in friendly (quite often-competitive) target practice rivalry and typically, a communally prepared and home-cooked meal. This year due to the Grand High Cockalorum being noticeably absent, the membership had to endure a delicious catered lunch. The weather cooperated and members and invited guests – including the CO & RSM, enjoyed a wonderful day of camaraderie and shooting. RSM Thorn provided an update with respect to current Unit Operations and Tasking’s.

Big thank you to WO Graham Humphrey in bringing some #4 Lee Enfield rifles and an opportunity to fire the FN C1A1. Top Shot went to Cpl Enoch Wong (Rifle Team), followed closely by WO Jesse Behan and rounding out third place, Lt Weng Pan (Rifle Team).


On Saturday, November 9th, 2024, The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum hosted QOR Day at Casa Loma. The A event showcased the long and dedicated military heritage of the QOR and the regiment of today, and featured performances from the Regimental Band.

Please enjoy a clip from their performance on YouTube, as well as an album of photos from this year's QOR Day at Casa Loma.

QOR Association Update 

A group of QOR Veterans met at Elmwood Cemetery in Markham, Ontario to honour QOR and Royal Rifles of Canada POW Sgt. Marcel Doiron, CD, and installed a Hong Kong Marker at Marcel’s headstone. Present were Carlo Cosolo, Robert Chan, Brian Budden, Jerry Senetchko, Rob Grieve, and Bob Dunk. It was a great afternoon as we shared stories and memories of Marcel Doiron.

The following Association members were presented with the King Charles III Coronation Medal from (NCVA) National Council of Veteran Associations in Canada:

Bob Dunk – QORA National President
Brian Budden – President QORA – Toronto Branch
David Lavery
Harry Rollo
Joe Rozon – President QORA – Vancouver Island Branch

On behalf of The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Association (Toronto Branch), we would like to wish the Regimental Family a safe and festive holiday season. All the best for 2025!

In Pace Paratus

CWO (Ret'd) Brian Budden, CD
President & Health & Welfare Chairman
QORA (Toronto Branch)


The current issue of the Maroon Beret Newsletter for 2024 can be found at the link below: 

 The next edition is planned for late March 2025.  Please feel free to send any articles and photos to me by March 1st, 2025. 

If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please let me know.

We are on Facebook and Instagram @canadianairborneforces, as well as LinkedIn.

Scott Moody
Communications Director
Canadian Airborne Forces Association

Canadian Infantry Association 

My name is LCol (Ret’d) Doug Johnson. I commanded the Lorne Scots from 1997-2000. I write to you today as the President of the Central Ontario Branch of the Canadian Infantry Association. The Central Ontrario Branch is made up of all Infantry units in 32 Brigade.

The CIA has been around since 1912. All Infantry Regiments are members of the Association. Traditionally The Commanding Officers of each unit have been the ones representing the Regiments at meetings. Its purpose is to support and advance the Infantry profession. We belong to the Conference of Defence Association as do all the other military trade organizations such as Engineers, Intelligence, as well as the other two services. We are independent of the DND or the CAF so we can represent our members on Infantry issues.

We have recently begun to revise the organization of the organization. We have now opened the membership so that all Infanteers, regardless of rank regular force or reserve, can become members rather than just the units. There is no cost to join CIA. I write to you to solicit your help in reaching out to your members, both active and retired, to make them aware of CIA and encourage them to join. They can visit the website for more information at and complete the form under the membership category. Again, there is no cost to joining.

QOR of C Kit Shop 

If you are interested in purchasing QOR of C merchandise, you may do so via our online Kit Shop. We now have the ability to issue invoices and accept payment online. We have several new items in stock, including merchandise from the Airborne Reunion.

Please visit the QOR Kit Shop here.

Watch and Shoot (Upcoming Events)   

March 1st, 2025
Toronto Garrison Officers’ Ball

For more events, please consult the calendar of events.

Trust Fund and Fundraising Update 

Since the launch of the 1860 Club, our members have donated over $500,000 to support The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund and various Regimental initiatives.  We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generosity and support. The full list of Founders can be viewed here.

For more information on supporting the Trust Fund, please click here. For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Online Links

The QOR of C Regimental Association 
More information about The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Association Branches can be found at:

Toronto Branch 
East Coast Branch
Calgary Branch 
Vancouver Island Branch

The Rifleman Magazine (Annual Journal of the QOR of C)
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Website

Kit Shop


To submit comments or content to the The Rifles Report or The Powder Horn, please contact Brian Whittaker, 1860 Club Communications Director at


