Monthly Newsletter
Winter 2024


Just prior to commencing the holiday stand-down period, The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada celebrated serving members, their families and our extended Regimental affiliations. At the beginning of December, the Officer’s Mess hosted the Children’s Christmas Party, which saw dozens of former and current personnel bring their loved ones to Moss Park Armoury for gingerbread, caroling by the Band, and of course, a visit by Santa Claus.

The following week, the unit held FESTIVE RIFLEMAN. This annual tradition was extremely well attended, with awards and recognition bestowed upon an outstanding group of soldiers. Finally, our associated cadet organization was visited by Major Lee and Regimental Sergeant Major Thorn, invited as distinguished guests during the Corps’ seasonal dinner in Scarborough.

After the calendar flipped over to the new year, the Regiment hit the ground running with dynamic and purposeful training activity. Focusing on core infantry skills, sub-units conducted weapons handling, familiarization with the new C22 pistol and close-quarters combat drills.

 On 18 January, the Command Team and senior ranks attended the Change of Brigade Commander ceremony at Denison Armoury, which saw Colonel Lamie, former commanding officer, assume authority of the countries’ largest Army Reserve formation. Surrounded by friends, colleagues and family, it was great to observe Colonel Lamie being elevated to a position that had not been occupied by a Rifleman since 1982.

The final weekend of the month was a testament to the hard work of our Operations team, who coordinated and supported multiple distinct tasks. While members deployed to CFB Borden to conduct live-fire rifle ranges in the snow, Parachute Company was able to undertake a full-equipment descent onto DZ Hodgson in Trenton, finding enough of a break in the winds to facilitate almost 30 jumpers maintaining their currency. Simultaneously, the unit was also assisting and observing Exercise TRILLIUM VENTURE, the domestic response validation in Toronto and Aurora. This gateway activity offered valuable lessons-learned, as the battalion prepares to assume command of the brigade task in June.

 As a parting thought, we would like to acknowledge all of the donors who have thus far, contributed to our NLD80 campaign for the anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands in 1945. Your kindness and generosity are directly enabling the foundational strengths of the Regiment—honour and tradition.

In Pace Paratus

Chris Boileau
Commanding Officer

Justin Thorn
Chief Warrant Officer
Regimental Sergeant Major

Awards and presentations

 The annual Soldier's Holiday and Awards Dinner was held on December 11, 2024. During this dinner, many Riflemen were recognized with awards and promotions, including the following:

 The CSM Charlie Martin DCM, MM Award for outstanding Senior NCO—Sgt Thiers-Gomez (above).

 The 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion Reg Walker Award for Outstanding Leadership by an NCM—MCpl Lee.

 The British Airborne Forces Association RSM Harry Fox MBE Award for Most Promising Rifleman—Cpl Overholt. 

Airborne Rifleman of the Year—MCpl Do.

Sgt Dave Keenan Jump Hog Award—MCpl Martin.

Colonel Elliot Dalton Trophy—Capt Toffan.

The Silver Bugle Award for Top Musician—Cpl Sharma.

Fitness Award—Sgt Koch.

Public Service Awards—MCpl Moshy.

The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Association Rifleman of the Year—CWO (Ret'd) Shaun Kelly, CD.

The Colonel P. F. Hughes, CD and Mrs. B. Hughes Award for Excellence—WO (Ret'd) Phil ten Kortnenaar, CD.

In addition, WO Humphrey was presented with their Certificate of Airborne Achievement for 100 jumps (above).

80th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands and VE-Day Pilgrimage

The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada will return to Europe in May 2025 to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of V-E Day and the Liberation of the Netherlands. The Regiment will send a delegation to Europe in honour of the 34 Riflemen who lost their lives during Operation Blockbuster, during the final push to the Rhine. The itinerary will retrace the steps of the QOR of C as they fought through the Netherlands, liberating the crucial channel ports. After crossing into Germany, Sergeant Aubrey Cosens was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross while capturing the tiny farming hamlet of Mooshof, Germany. 

Following the success of the D+80 Fundraising Campaign, which sent over 70 Riflemen to Normandy in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the Regiment will be conducting another fundraising campaign in support of NLD80. For a limited time, donors will be able to sponsor one of 34 Riflemen to attend this historic occasion. Your donation will cover their trip expenses, and support the Regiment’s commemorative activities.

$100 Donation
Donors will receive a certificate of appreciation upon the completion of the trip.

$500 Donation
Donors will receive a limited commemorative coin to mark the occasion of the 80th anniversary trip.

$2500 Donation (Sponsor a Rifleman)
As an official Rifleman sponsor, donors will receive a Coin of Remembrance to be shared with the sponsored Rifleman—who will research the fallen member and communicate with you about their journey. Donors will also receive a commemorative coin and certificate of appreciation. 

$5000 Donation (Mess Dinner Sponsor)
As the sponsor for the commemorative Mess Dinner in Groesbeek on May 8th, 2025, your organization will be recognized at the dinner with branding and recognition. In addition, you will also be an official Rifleman sponsor, and be provided with a Coin of Remembrance to be shared with the sponsored member. Finally, you will receive a commemorative plaque, coin, and certificate of appreciation.

Please click here to support the trip.

new 32 brigade commander

On Saturday, 18 January 2025, Colonel Frank D. Lamie, CD was appointed as Commander of 32 Canadian Brigade Group at a change of command ceremony held at the Lieutenant Colonel George Taylor Denison III Armoury, in the presence of Brigadier-General C.I. Oberwarth, OMM, MSM, CD.

Colonel Lamie is the first Queen’s Own Rifleman to fill this role since 1982 when Brigadier-General Donald A. Pryer relinquished command of the Toronto Militia District (which was later renamed 32 CBG.)

The ceremony was attended by the QOR Honorary Colonel Major-General (Ret’d) David Fraser, current Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Chris Boileau, current Regimental Sergeant Major Chief Warrant Officer Justin Thorn, former QOR Commanding Officer and now Commanding Officer of the 3rd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Moody, several QOR senior officers and warrants, members of the Regimental Senate, the QOR Trust Fund, the QOR Association, and the Regimental Museum and Archive.

Colonel Lamie takes command with the challenging task of selecting, training and equipping a significant contribution to the deployment of soldiers to Latvia in two rotations in the summer of 2025 and the winter of 2025/2026.

Our sincerest congratulations to Colonel Lamie on his promotion and appointment.

QOR Association Update 

On behalf of The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Association, we'd like to wish all Regimental Family Members a Happy New Year and all the best for 2025.

On Wednesday, Dec 11th, the QOR held the Soldier's Appreciation Dinner at Moss Park Armoury. As always, the Association was involved in the dinner and subsequent awards and presentations.

This year has been a busy one; the following Association members were recognized for their great contribution to the QOR Regimental Family:

Former RSM and curator of the Regimental Museum, Shaun Kelly, was presented the Association Rifleman of the Year 2024.

The Colonel Paul Hughes & Bev Hughes Award for Excellence in improving the life and standing of The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada was present to Association member Phil ten Kortenaar. Association member Dave Lavery accepted the award on behalf of Phil. 

Congratulations Shaun and Phil, well deserved!

A small group from the QOR Association( Brian Budden, Harry Rollo, Rob Grieve, and Bob Dunk) went to Sunnybrook on December 17th to see our only veteran at Sunnybrook, Sgt Andy MacNaughton. He was glad to see us and received our Christmas greetings and gift basket. 

Thanks to the staff at Sunnybrook, who made arrangements in "L" Wing to meet up with 2 great RCAF veterans—General Richard Rohmer and Captain Mort Lightstone. One of the veterans was a Mustang pilot who flew on D-Day. He showed us the painting of him in the Mustang on D-Day and shared stories.

I also met unexpectedly with 100-year-old WWII 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion veteran Ed Marshall, who is living in Sunnybrook. As you may remember, he did a tandem parachute jump with WO Adam Winnicki. Ed has raised over $100K for Sick Kids Hospital!

Phil Tachauer—Notice of Passing and Obituary

On a sad note we lost Major Phil Tachauer, CD—a great drummer that played for a number of years in the Signals Band, The Queen's Own Rifles Of Canada Band and Bugles, and the St. Andrews Pipes and Drums. He was also involved in the Air Cadets for a number of years. 

For those of you who have been around for a while, you may remember Phil Tachauer and the late George Harper playing the Last Post and Reveille at past Port Credit Remembrance Day Ceremonies. Phil passed away on the evening of Friday January 17th, 2025 in his 96th year. My deepest condolences to Phil's family.

The obituary link for Major (Ret'd) Philip F. Tachauer is attached below: 

Celebration of Life—Maj. Phil Tachauer, CD

Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025
Timing: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: BREAKWATER room of The Waterside Inn (5 Stavebank Rd S, Mississauga, ON L5G 2T2)

The eulogy and service with shared memories will commence at approximately 2:00 p.m.

In Pace Paratus

CWO (Ret'd) Brian Budden, CD
President & Health & Welfare Chairman
QORA (Toronto Branch)


The current issue of the Maroon Beret Newsletter for 2024 can be found at the link below: 

 The next edition is planned for late March 2025.  Please feel free to send any articles and photos to me by March 1st, 2025. 

If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please let me know.

We are on Facebook and Instagram @canadianairborneforces, as well as LinkedIn.

Scott Moody
Communications Director
Canadian Airborne Forces Association

Canadian Infantry Association 

My name is LCol (Ret’d) Doug Johnson. I commanded the Lorne Scots from 1997-2000. I write to you today as the President of the Central Ontario Branch of the Canadian Infantry Association. The Central Ontrario Branch is made up of all Infantry units in 32 Brigade.

The CIA has been around since 1912. All Infantry Regiments are members of the Association. Traditionally The Commanding Officers of each unit have been the ones representing the Regiments at meetings. Its purpose is to support and advance the Infantry profession. We belong to the Conference of Defence Association as do all the other military trade organizations such as Engineers, Intelligence, as well as the other two services. We are independent of the DND or the CAF so we can represent our members on Infantry issues.

We have recently begun to revise the organization of the organization. We have now opened the membership so that all Infanteers, regardless of rank regular force or reserve, can become members rather than just the units. There is no cost to join CIA. I write to you to solicit your help in reaching out to your members, both active and retired, to make them aware of CIA and encourage them to join. They can visit the website for more information at and complete the form under the membership category. Again, there is no cost to joining.

QOR of C Kit Shop 

If you are interested in purchasing QOR of C merchandise, you may do so via our online Kit Shop. We now have the ability to issue invoices and accept payment online. We have several new items in stock, including merchandise from the Airborne Reunion.

Please visit the QOR Kit Shop here.

Watch and Shoot (Upcoming Events)   

March 1st, 2025
Toronto Garrison Officers’ Ball

June 6th, 2025
D-Day Dinner

For more events, please consult the calendar of events.

Trust Fund and Fundraising Update 

Since the launch of the 1860 Club, our members have donated over $500,000 to support The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund and various Regimental initiatives.  We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generosity and support. The full list of Founders can be viewed here.

For more information on supporting the Trust Fund, please click here. For any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Online Links

The QOR of C Regimental Association 
More information about The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Association Branches can be found at:

Toronto Branch 
East Coast Branch
Calgary Branch 
Vancouver Island Branch

The Rifleman Magazine (Annual Journal of the QOR of C)
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Website

Kit Shop


To submit comments or content to the The Rifles Report or The Powder Horn, please contact Brian Whittaker, 1860 Club Communications Director at


