Monthly Update
November 2021
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada had a productive month of October. The focus was on preparing for Exercise Maroon Sword 2, that took place over the weekend of 24-26 October 2021 at the 4th Division Training Centre in Meaford and CFB Borden. The intent of the exercise was to complete the Battle Task Standards for Live Fire Section Level Offensive Operations and Individual Battle Task Standards (IBTS). We also conducted a parachute descent into CFB Borden. We used Lake Simcoe Regional Airport as our airhead to board a CC-130J Hercules, and conducted a ramp jump onto DZ Gorvad from 1000’ AGL.
After the exercise, we focused our efforts on our Remembrance Day commemorative activities. On November 5th, 2021 the Officers Mess held their annual dinner at the Royal Canadian Military Institute (RCMI). The highlight of the evening was the recognition of Honorary Colonel MGen (Ret’d) Walter Holmes for his 5 years of service to the Regiment as Honorary Colonel. During his tenure, he always led by example and from the front. He was responsible for multiple Regimental initiatives including the creation of the 1860 Club. Later, he was presented with the fourth bar to his Canadian Forces Decoration (CD4) for over 52 years of service during our Church Parade on November 7th. This recognition was a few years late as he has accumulated 56 years of service to the Canadian Armed Forces (his biography can be found on the QOR museum website).
We also recognized former Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel Lionel Goffart with his Sterling Silver 1860 Club Pin, for being one of two Normandy-level Donors with Col (Retired) Paul Hughes as the other. During his tenure, HLCol Goffart funded 3 trips to France. In 2014, he sponsored over 20 Riflemen to attend the 70th Anniversary of D-Day. In 2017, he sponsored 80 Riflemen to attend the 100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge, and in 2019 he sponsored 35 Riflemen to attend the 75th Anniversary of D-Day. LCol Goffart also paid a major role in funding the Battle Honours at Moss Park Armoury and regularly funded Junior Officer attendance at the Garrison Ball and other Regimental events.
On Sunday, November 7th we conducted our Annual Church Parade at the Cross of Sacrifice at St Paul’s Cathedral, to pay respect to the Regiment's Fallen. This was a positive change from last year, when we were not able to conduct the Parade. This year we had a good turnout from the Regiment and Regimental Family.
Finally, we are pleased to report that the 1860 Club is exceeding expectations with nearly 300 members and 70 Founders. We look forward to a formal 1860 Club Dinner on June 6th, 2022. A reminder that the opportunity to become a founding member will end on December 31st, 2021; to learn more on becoming a Founder, please visit
In Pace Paratus,
Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Moody, CD
Commanding Officer
This piece was written by Sgt Ralph Schoenig, a former member of The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada and the Association.
He passed away due to cancer this past year.
We walk among you each and every day, not just on Remembrance Day or D-Day, you know who some of us are, you don’t know just how many of us there are
We are your mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends, co-workers, doctors, bus drivers, factory workers, Members of Parliament, farmers, fishermen, police officers, fire fighters, retail clerks, your employers, and employees.
We are men and women, all different ages, from many different times and eras.
We are French, English, First Nations, German, Italian, Chinese, Asian, and Arabic, many different colours, many different religions, many different histories, many different languages, many different abilities, we are hail and hearty, we are sick, some of us are strong, some of us are broken, some of us are remembered, many of us are forgotten, some of us live in beautiful homes, some of us are homeless, we are surrounded with family and friends, we are alone, we are outspoken, we are soft spoken.
We have had different military experiences, served in different capacities, served for different lengths of time, served around the world, many have never left Canada, we have served on the land, on, and under the sea, and in the air, many have medals that you can see, however thousands upon thousands have none to wear.
We are peacekeepers, peacemakers, and we are all warriors, and every veteran has been prepared to pay the ultimate sacrifice for your freedom, for our freedom, for freedom of others around the world, and for peace.
We would have stood in front of you to keep you safe, and if our country Canada was threatened today, would we step up again? In a heartbeat!
Remember even if you don’t see us, we walk among you every day.
We are simple, ordinary people, who were honoured to wear "CANADA" on our shoulders, we are Canadians, we are your Veterans of Canada.
Thank you Canada, you are worth the service and sacrifice.
By Ralph Schoenig
qor association update
Master Warrant Officer (Retired) OB (Gord) Hryhoryshen, CD
We have lost another fine member of our Association. Gord was instrumental in the startup of the QOR of C VIB Association, and remained a strong member right up until his death this past April. Sergeant-Major Hryhoryshen joined the Army Cadets in 1948 at the age of 18, followed by the RCA Militia in 1950, and then moved into the Regular Forces where he served with the Regina Rifles, the QOR of C (First and Second Battalions), PPCLI, and 3 Mech CDO. His military career included service in Korea, Cyprus and Germany. His full obituary can be found here. We will miss his guidance and leadership.
Brian Budden
Health & Welfare Chairman
QORA (Toronto Branch)
QOR of C Kit Shop
If you are interested in purchasing QOR of C merchandise, you may do so via our online Kit Shop. We now have the ability to accept payment online. This month, we are pleased to offer a custom-made wall plaque featuring our cap badge.
Please visit the QOR Kit Shop here.
With Halloween just past, it may or may not be a good time to highlight the self-directed cemetery walking “tours” that the museum has created over the past several years which lead you to the graves of former members of the regiment. Most of the tour “stops” have photos of the member and their markers as well as background on their service
We started with Necropolis (15 graves) and St James (46) cemeteries downtown and have recently added Prospect (4) in the west end, and Mt Pleasant (44) in mid-town. And with the assistance of the QOR’s 2881 Cadet Corps, we are making a start on Pine Hills cemetery in Scarborough. Those we’ve identified range from a 19-year-old Rifleman who died in a ship fire in April 1866 to Fenian Raid casualties, Bugle Majors, Regimental-Sergeants Major, Commanding Officers and Generals, and everyone in between. Some stops are also family memorials that include the names of those that are actually buried overseas.
Since our usually Remembrance Ceremonies are again somewhat restricted this year, on November 6, 7 or 11, we encourage each of you to visit some graves of those who have gone before us and help keep alive the memory of their service. You can find all our Toronto and Ontario listings, and links to the Google maps tours on our Ontario Cemeteries page.
If you have potential items for our Museum and Archive collection, please read this page and complete the online form, or contact us at
Trust Fund and Fundraising Update
Since the launch of the 1860 Club, our members have donated over $100,000 to support The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generosity, and recognize the following members:
Normandy 1944 Donors
Over $186,000 in lifetime contributions
HLCol Lionel Goffart, OStJ, CD
Col Paul F Hughes, CD (Ret’d)
Vimy 1917 Donors
Over $18,600 in lifetime contributions
Capt Bernie Aaron (Ret’d)
HLCol Brendan Caldwell (Ret'd)
Lt J. Chris Donald (Ret'd)
Mr. Bryan Gransden
Capt Adam Hermant, OStJ, CD (Ret’d)
Hermant Family Foundation
HCol Larry Stevenson, CD (Ret’d)
LCol John Strathy, CD (Ret’d)
WO Philip ten Kortenaar, CD (Ret’d)
True Patriot Love Foundation
1860 Club Founders
Col William Ball - US Army (Ret’d)
LCol William Barnard, CD (Ret’d)
LCol Sandi Banerjee, CD
Mr. Hans G. Bathija
Bruce Beauchamp Memorial Fund and Mr. Terry Beauchamp
Hon Col Bryan Brulotte, KJ, CD
Cpl Brian Buchan
2Lt Martin Bunch
LCol Greg Burton, CD (Ret’d)
HLCol Brendan Caldwell (Ret'd)
Maj Allan Champion, CD (Ret’d)
Capt Robert Chan, CD (Ret’d) and Ms. Annie Li
Ms. Linda Di Felice
Lt J. Chris Donald (Ret'd)
WO (Ret’d) Bob Dunk, CD
HLCol Lionel Goffart, OStJ, CD
Lt Brandon Filatow
LCol (Ret’d) John Fotheringham, CD
Mr. Bryan Gransden
2Lt Juron Grant-Kinnear
MCpl Robert Grieve
Cpl Lee Harrison, CD
WO David Hodgson, CD
MGen (Ret’d) Walter Holmes, MStJ, MSM, CD, MBE
Ms. Lana Holmes
Col (Ret’d) Paul F Hughes CD
Jackman Foundation
CWO Jeff Johnson, CD
CWO Shaun Kelly, CD
LCol Frank Lamie, CD
MWO Darnel Leader, CD
Maj Samuel Leibel, CD
Capt Ben-Jaemin Lee, CD
Capt Roland Llewellyn-Thomas, CD
Mr. James Lutz
Capt (Ret'd) Brian MacDonald
Maj Henry McCabe, MMM, CD (Ret’d)
Ms. Michele McCarthy
Ms. Jenna Zuschlag Misener
Lt David Merrithew
Mr. Nick Migliore
LCol Scott Moody, CD
Mr. Carmine Nigro
Capt David Pampe, CD
Dr. Dylan Pannell, CD, MD, PhD, CCFP, FRCSC
Lt Marco Petta
Cpl Sharl Robinson
Maj Anthony Schultz, CD (Ret’d)
CWO Mark Shannon, MMM, CD
MGen John Sharpe, CMM, CD (Ret’d)
Capt Kevin Sheedy, CD
Maj John Stephens, CD (Ret’d)
Mr. Tristan Strathy
WO Philip ten Kortenaar, CD (Ret’d)
Dr. Lynn Tomkins
Capt Usman (Uzi) Valiante (Ret'd)
Mr. Jeffrey Wallace
LCol Tony Welsh, CD (Ret'd)
LCol Rob Zeidler, MStJ, CD (Ret'd)
Please click here to find out how to become a Founder. For more information on supporting the Trust Fund, please click here.
For any additional questions, please contact us.
Online Links
The QOR of C Regimental Association
More information about The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Association Branches can be found at:
Toronto Branch
East Coast Branch
Calgary Branch
Vancouver Island Branch
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Website
Kit Shop
To submit comments or content to the Rifles Report or The Powder Horn, please contact Martin Bunch, 1860 Club Communications Director at