Monthly Update
July 2021


Serving Regiment Update

The summer is when we focus our efforts on training recruits and leaders.  The Regiment has done a great job at clearing our backlog of recruits caused by COVID-19 delays.  We anticipate the gain of close to 30 new Riflemen by the end of summer.  RSM Johnston and the Company Sergeant-Majors have done a fantastic job at identifying and developing new leaders, so that our growth is balanced and capable of sustaining our growth.  This June, we had the honour of welcoming 6 new Riflemen and promoting 12 new Corporals. 

The Regiment still has two members deployed on Operation IMPACT in the Middle East.  Congratulations to MWO Leader for being awarded the Chief of Defence Staff Commendation for his work as a mentor to the Jordanian Armed Forces during Operation IMPACT in 2020/ 21.  Also, congratulations to MCpl Kusi-Appiah for completing his Military Freefall Parachutist Course.  

On the training front we have been steadily engaged in completing our Individual Battle Task Standards (IBTS), including conducting ranges for the annual Personal Weapons Test 3 qualifications on the C7 Rifle.  The unit also had the opportunity to return to parachuting after a break due to COVID-19.  Recently, 60th Company conducted several static-line parachute refreshers in small groups on Monday and Wednesday nights.  On June 20th, we executed a live double-door parachute descent onto Drop Zone Hodgson.  It was great Father’s Day gift for many of our members who were able to get under canopy for the first time in 9 months.

The RSM and I had the great privilege of attending the QOR of C Cadets Corps Annual Ceremonial Review and Change of Command.  The was done virtually, and was impressive to be part of.   Congratulations to Capt Ken Kominek, CD, who is now the Corps Commanding Officer.  Ken served in the QOR for many years and left as a Master Warrant Officer.  We would like to recognize Capt Calvin Facey for his many years of dedicated service and leadership. 

The 1860 Club continues to grow with great momentum.  In June, we welcomed 5 new Founders and many new members. Those who have donated to the 1860 Club will be receiving their pins and Thank You letters shortly. 

The 1860 Club ran two events for members of the Regimental Family in June. The Ridgeway and Normandy Challenge March that took place between June 2nd and 9th. Participants under 50 years of age were required to complete 20km on two consecutive days with a 10 kg pack within the 7-day timeframe; those over 50 could do the distance over the 7 days and without a pack. In total, we had 80 participants complete the challenge; the Challenge Coin will be mailed out soon. On June 6th, the 1860 Club held a virtual D-Day commemorative event hosted by Major (Ret’d) John Stephens, CD and his talented museum team.

Lieutenant-Colonel Scott Moody, CD
Commanding Officer

Promotions and Achievements

Congratulations to Corporals Bernardino, Chenier, Heinle, Jordan, Moore, Patterson, Romaniuk, Salinas, Sneath, Temper, Tolleson, and Waines on your promotion. 

Congratulations to Capt Toohey-Faughnan and MCpl Jessome for receiving their Operational Service Medals—Expedition for Operation IMPACT.

Congratulations to MWO Leader for being awarded the Chief of Defence Staff Commendation for his work as a mentor during Operation IMPACT in 2020 and 21.

QOR of C Kit Shop 

If you are interested in purchasing QOR of C merchandise, you can do so via our online Kit Shop. We now have the ability to accept payment online. This month, we have several new items including Stainless Steel Coffee Cups and Water Bottles from

Please visit the QOR Kit Shop here.

While our physical museum is still closed at least for a few more weeks, we’d like to remind all the Regimental family of a few of the virtual resources you can use to connect with our Regimental history.

Our museum’s YouTube channel has over 100 videos posted – both new and historical – including considerable footage from our Regular Force battalions in the 1950’s and 60’s.  Take a moment to subscribe to the channel by clicking on that red SUBSCRIBE button and click the BELL to be notified when we post new videos!

If you’re already on Instagram, then make sure you’re following our museum posts which regularly include historical images from our museum collection – almost 600 to date!

If you like looking at photos – our museum’s Flickr site is certainly the place for it! In fact, there are over 14,500 images organized into dozens of “albums.” Museum objects, news clippings, images from photo albums, events – ranging from the 1860’s to the present. And our collection is named for the late Captain Larry G. Hicks who took many of these photos for us.

Lastly, one of the most important resources is the public access site of our collection database. It contains descriptions and other details about each of over 3,500 objects in our museum collection which have been carefully researched, catalogued and (mostly) photographed by our dedicated team of museum volunteers. You can search for something specific or browse through any of the Archives, Library, Objects and Photos catalogues – or just select Random Images. You can also search for specific people and see what items might be connected to them.

We look forward to seeing you at the museum in person in the near future but in the meantime, please check out these resources we’ve worked hard to make available to the public!

If you have potential items for our Museum and Archive collection, please read this page and complete the online form, or contact us at

If you have potential items for our Museum and Archive collection, please read this page and complete the online form, or contact us at

Trust Fund and Fundraising Update 

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions over the past year, some of the planned activities and funding of projects have been put on hold.  For example, the re-installation of the Mont Sorrel markers in Belgium has not been carried out as originally planned.  It is hoped that this project will be started as soon as it is safe to do so.  Similarly, it was initially planned to establish markers for four of the casualties of the Fenian Raids who passed away due to disease contracted at Ridgeway.  Work on this initiative will commence as soon as practicable.

These are but two of the types of important works that are made possible through the generous donations to The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund.  Sadly, during this period of restrictions and closures, some of the traditional activities cannot continue—especially those that cannot be carried out by virtual means.  Nevertheless, they remain at the forefront of our preparations once activities return to normal.  We are extremely grateful to the members and friends of the Regimental family for their continuing support for the Regimental Trust Fund.

Since the launch of the 1860 Club, our members have donated over $100,000 to support The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Trust Fund.  We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your generosity, and recognize the following members:

Normandy 1944 Donors
Over $186,000 in lifetime contributions 

HLCol Lionel Goffart, OStJ, CD 
Col Paul F Hughes, CD (Ret’d)

Vimy 1917 Donors
Over $18,600 in lifetime contributions

Capt Bernie Aaron (Ret’d)
HLCol Brendan Caldwell (Ret'd)
Lt J. Chris Donald (Ret'd)
Mr. Bryan Gransden
Capt Adam Hermant, OStJ, CD (Ret’d)
Hermant Family Foundation
HCol Larry Stevenson, CD (Ret’d)
LCol John Strathy, CD (Ret’d)
WO Philip ten Kortenaar, CD (Ret’d)
True Patriot Love Foundation

1860 Club Founders 

Col William Ball - US Army (Ret’d)
LCol William Barnard, CD (Ret’d)
Mr. Hans G. Bathija
Bruce Beauchamp Memorial Fund and Mr. Terry Beauchamp
Hon Col Bryan Brulotte, KJ, CD
Cpl Brian Buchan
2Lt Martin Bunch
LCol Greg Burton, CD (Ret’d)
HLCol Brendan Caldwell (Ret'd)
Maj Allan Champion, CD (Ret’d)
Capt Robert Chan, CD (Ret’d) and Ms. Annie Li
Ms. Linda Di Felice
Lt J. Chris Donald (Ret'd)
HLCol Lionel Goffart, OStJ, CD
Mr. Bryan Gransden
MCpl Robert Grieve (Ret'd)
Cpl Lee Harrison, CD (Ret’d)
WO David Hodgson, CD
MGen Walter Holmes, MStJ, MSM, CD, MBE (Ret’d)
Col Paul F Hughes CD (Ret’d)
Jackman Foundation
CWO Jeff Johnson, CD
LCol Frank Lamie, CD
MWO Darnel Leader, CD
Maj Samuel Leibel, CD
Capt Ben-Jaemin Lee, CD
Capt Roland Llewellyn-Thomas, CD
Mr. James Lutz
Maj Henry McCabe, MMM, CD (Ret’d)
Ms. Michele McCarthy
Lt David Merrithew
Mr. Nick Migliore
LCol Scott Moody, CD
Mr. Carmine Nigro
Capt David Pampe, CD
Lt Marco Petta
Cpl Sharl Robinson
CWO Mark Shannon, MMM, CD
MGen John Sharpe, CMM, CD (Ret’d)
Capt Kevin Sheedy, CD
Maj John Stephens, CD (Ret’d)
Mr. Tristan Strathy
WO Philip ten Kortenaar, CD (Ret’d)
Dr. Lynn Tomkins
Capt Usman (Uzi) Valiante (Ret'd)
LCol Tony Welsh, CD (Ret'd)

Please click here to find out how to become a Founder. For more information on supporting the Trust Fund, please click here.

For any additional questions, please contact us.

Online Links

The QOR of C Regimental Association 
More information about The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Association Branches can be found at:

Toronto Branch 
East Coast Branch
Calgary Branch 
Vancouver Island Branch

The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental Museum
The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Website

Kit Shop


To submit comments or content to the Rifles Report or The Powder Horn, please contact Martin Bunch, 1860 Club Communications Director at


